Before and After Care Facts

Before a facial:

No tanning bed use (you shouldn't be tanning anyway) 5 days prior to a treatment.  I reserve the right to not perform a service on a tanner.  You will be charged for the service even if I refuse to treat.

Please stop using any Retinols or variations of 5 days prior to treatment.

Please reschedule your appointment if you have a cold sore.  If you show up with a cold sore I cannot treat you and you will be charged for a full service.

After a facial:

Depending on the treatment no sweating or internal heating for at least 24 hours  Some treatments are 48 hours.  Sweating and/or internally heating can cause problems to your freshly treated skin.

Avoid irritating products such as a Retinol or variations of 5 days post.

Avoid touching your face.

Use your sunscreen diligently (you should be doing this regardless)



     DO:   Discontinue use of Vitamin A (retinol, tret, etc) 5 days prior to seeing me.

     DO:  Keep your skincare routine normal.

     DO:  Arrive a few minutes early for paperwork if this is your first visit

     DO:  Make a list or bring products you are currently using.

     DO:  Reschedule if you have an active cold sore.

     DO NOT:  Tan before a treatment.  You shouldn’t be tanning anyway. ;-)


     DO:  Use sunscreen diligently.

     DO:  Follow any post treatment care tips.

     DO:  Text or call if you have any questions or problems.

     DO:  Try to avoid putting lots of make up on your fresh skin.

     DO NOT: Sweat for at least 24 hours post treatment.  Some treatments require longer.

     DO NOT: Tan.